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Statement of intent

Product 1:

The magazine representations I intend to use are male and female use of gender identity. I will use models that show how to wear fashion that is suited to both the world of work and leisure. I want to be able to create a magazine that alternates between casual wear and more formal business wear in order to capture as wide an audience as possible from the 16-25 age range and more importantly the idea that the target audience is AB class. So they will have an interest in what to wear for work and what to wear for leisure.

The codes of the magazine will be conventional in the sense of adopting a clear masthead, cover lines and lexical choices that are more sophisticated. I want to opt for muted colours that aren’t too bright and garish because I think a more sophisticated audience would appreciate the subtlety. The images will be more candid and conservative than other images I have seen in my research, I want models that look away from the camera so I intend to experiment with lots of mid walking shots.

Product 2:

The website is going to focus more on one gender, this is because I don’t want to feature a male and female focus in combination so I will select the male magazine first. The magazine will have features which are conventional so there will be a masthead, logo, navigation bars, small amount of text which would lead you to another in depth area of the website. For the audio-visual component I will be using a short audio introduction from the editor talking through the content of the magazine. I think this will be an effective introduction to meeting the team and make it feel more personal

Digital convergence:

The same house style will go across the website with the same colour scheme and typography, the same topics and models will be featured so there is clear continuity. This is to help build a sense of brand identity. The humour and language will also cross over from the magazine. I think the multimedia elements will allow me to make the content on the website more interactive but the starting point will remain the same as the magazine cover just with greater capacity for interaction.

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